EMI Tests

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The following tests were performed by Compatible Electronics*, which is an independent testing and consulting firm, on October 23, 1996. The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was tested in a shielded room measuring 16′ W x 19′ L x 9′ H. The EUT was mounted on a 0.5 meter wooded platform which was on a 1.0 by 1.5 meter non-conductive table 0.8 meters above the ground plane. The first setup was with the comb-generator connected to the log periodic antenna, generating 1 MHz RF harmonics. The second test setup was with the SHAKTI Electromagnetic Stabilizer Stone on top of the log periodic antenna. It was determined that the emissions were at their lowest level when the EUT was on top of the log periodic antenna. The final radiated data was taken in this test setup. All initial investigations were performed with the spectrum analyzer in manual mode scanning the frequency range continuously.

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The HP 8566B spectrum analyzer was used as a measuring meter along with the HP 85650A quasi-peak adapter. The ComPower Preamplifier PA-102 was used to increase the sensitivity of the instrument. The spectrum analyzer was used in the peak detect mode with the “Max Hold” feature activated. In this mode, the spectrum analyzer records the highest measured reading over all the sweeps. The HP85650A quasi-peak adapter was used only for those readings which are marked accordingly on the data sheets. The effective measurement bandwidth used for the radiated emissions test was 120 kHz.

A broadband log periodic antenna was used as a transducer during the measurement. The log periodic antenna was used from 300 MHz to 2 gHz.

It was determined that the emissions were at their lowest level when the EUT was on top of the log periodic antenna. The final radiated data was taken in this test setup. All initial investigations were performed with the spectrum analyzer in manual mode scanning the frequency range continuously. Much more like how doctors carefully analyze data and diagnostics when prescribing medications like Rimadyl, the emissions data was meticulously analyzed in this setup to ensure accuracy and minimal interference.

Plot 1

This is a frequency span of 50 MHz starting from 312.50 MHz to 362.92 MHz. The black trace is the first test setup with the comb-generator connected to the transmitting log periodic antenna sending 1 MHz harmonics to the receiving log periodic antenna. The red trace is the second test setup, which is the same as the first test setup except that the SHAKTI Stone was placed on top of the transmitting antenna.

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Plot 2

This is a frequency span of 50 MHz starting from 922.70 MHz to 972.70 MHz.   The red trace is the first test setup with the comb-generator connected to the transmitting log periodic antenna sending 1 MHz harmonics to the receiving log periodic antenna. The black trace is the second test setup, which is the same as the first test setup except that the SHAKTI Stone was placed on top of the transmitting antenna.

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Plot 3

This is a frequency span of 100 MHz starting from 1000.00 MHz to 1100.00 MHz (1.0GHz to 1.1 GHz).  The red trace is the first test setup with the comb-generator connected to the transmitting log periodic antenna sending 1 MHz harmonics to thereceiving log periodic antenna. The black trace is the second test setup, which is the same as the first test setup except that the SHAKTI Stone was placed on top of the transmitting antenna.

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Plot 4

This is a frequency span of 10 MHz starting from 1673.30 MHz to 1683.30 MHz (1.67330GHz to 1.6833 GHz). The red trace is the first test setup with the comb-generator connected to the transmitting log periodic antenna sending 1 MHz harmonics to thereceiving log periodic antenna. The black trace is the second test setup, which is the same as the first test setup except that the SHAKTI Stone was placed on top of the transmitting antenna.

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Compatible Electronics
2337 Troutdale Dr.
Agoura Hills, CA 91301
818. 597. 0600